Joint statement to MEPs on the Copyright Directive

Luke AlcottDSM, EU, France, Germany, Italy, News, Spain

Authors’ associations in France (Société des Gens de Lettres), Germany (VS Verband), Italy (Federazione Unitaria Italiana Scrittori) and Spain (Asociación Colegial de Escritores) released a joint statement to MEPs ahead of their vote on the Copyright Directive.

IAF member FUIS has hosted the statements in five languages online:

I Deputati del Parlamento Europeo possono cambiare il futuro degli Autori

The European MPs have in their power the future of the Authors

Les députés européens tiennent l’avenir des auteurs entre leurs mains

Die Abgeordneten des Europaparlaments halten die Zukunft der Urheberinnen und Urheber in ihren Händen

Los miembros del Parlamento tienen en sus manos el futuro de los autores