The International Authors Forum (IAF) has undertaken research into the situation of authors around the world, their work and whether they can make a living from their work. As part …
Creating a Living in Latin America: Tertulias – ”Ruwaspa kawsayniykupaq. Tinkunakukuna”
The International Authors Forum (IAF) and the Argentine Association of Translators and Interpreters (AATI) is delighted to invite you to the first of our series of Tertulias: A celebration of …
IAF and WIPO sign Memorandum of Understanding
The International Authors Forum (IAF) is pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The agreement was signed was signed …
IAF and FIT LatAm sign Memorandum of Understanding
We are pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the International Authors Forum (IAF) and the Regional Centre Latin America of the International Federation of …
Creating a Living: Artist’s Resale Right panel discussion
As part of a series of talks stemming from the International Authors Forum’s (IAF) Creating a Living report, artists and representatives from visual artists’ organisations spoke about the importance of …
An interview with: James Tuita
The International Authors Forum (IAF) has undertaken research into the situation of authors around the world, their work and whether they can make a living from their work. Earlier this …
Meet our Speakers | Creating a Living: Artist’s Resale Right | 4 March 14:30 GMT
The International Authors Forum (IAF) is excited to present our guest panellists at our Creating a Living: Artist’s Resale Right online event. John Degen, IAF Chair, will be hosting this …
Creating a Living: Artist’s Resale Right
Following the release of the Creating a Living report and the online webinar on Public Lending Right, the International Authors Forum (IAF) is organising a webinar on the significance of …
US enforces streamlined small-claims for copyright cases
In December 2020, US Congress passed both the Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement (CASE) Act and the Protecting Lawful Streaming Act as part of a year-end legislative package, including Covid-19 …