The Argentine Writers’ Union (Unión Argentina de Escritoras y Escritores) is a civil association that aims to defend the workers’ rights of Argentine writers or foreign writers residing in the country. It promotes the union and solidarity of writers, representing and defending their professional, material and moral interests, as well as their social, authorial, collective and individual rights. It aims for mutual aid and cooperation between its members and the principles of equality and equity. The association is independent of any political, religious or ideological current and opposes any type of discrimination. It upholds and defends the full validity of the freedoms, rights and guarantees enshrined in the National Constitution and in the laws of the Republic, advocating the observance and respect of internationally recognized human rights.
The organisation intends to protect the intellectual work of writers, opposing their ideological persecution or any discriminatory treatment; promote that all literary work, or any collaboration or intervention provided by writers, is adequately remunerated; participate and cooperate with the authorities, international organisations, national and foreign public entities both in the formulation and in the recommendation of public policies, plans, programs, projects and agreements that make the development and knowledge of the heritage of writers who participate in the Union; defends, advises and represents the association and its members in matters that concern their professional, individual, diffuse or collective interests, before any public or private institution, companies and publishers; defends the linguistic rights of indigenous writers who publish in Argentina; proposes in the corresponding areas, the issuance of legal instruments aimed at developing and promoting the editions of books and periodicals, and everything that concerns the dissemination of the work of writers, and the defence of their Rights; carries out actions to promote access to social security through a decent retirement benefit, and the creation and administration of everything related to pensions, subsidies and relief for associates; organises events and works of a cultural nature for associates and society in general; provides publications with any technical support aimed at satisfying the purposes set forth in this Statute; organises and sponsors seminars, courses, conferences, congresses, exhibitions and any event aimed at promoting professional contacts and relationships, and disseminating their problems and proposals; promotes agreements for the dissemination of Argentine books and reading, in all educational and social areas of the country; project, produce and publish their own studies and research with their own or external financing, being able to create the institutes or organizational forms necessary for these purposes; prepare, organize and direct training and improvement cycles for members of the Union, in presence or remotely and with the appropriate technical support for each purpose, by itself or with the contribution of other natural or legal persons; grants prizes or scholarships to any natural or legal person that carries out notable activities in accordance with the purposes of the association; celebrates any other act and operation, directly or indirectly linked to the social objectives and the means provided for their achievement.